“Our once great western Christian civilization is dying. If this matters to followers of Jesus Christ, then we must set aside our denominational differences and work together to strengthen the things that remain and reclaim what has been lost. Evangelicals and Catholics must stand together to re-establish that former Christian culture and moral consensus. We have the numbers and the organization but the question is this: Do we have the will to win this present spiritual battle for Jesus Christ against secularism? Will we prayerfully and cooperatively work toward a new Christian spiritual revival ― or will we choose to hunker down in our churches and denominationalisms and watch everything sink into the spiritual and moral abyss of a New Dark Age?” - Mark Davis Pickup

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Look above, way above, above to the picture of me in front of my living room fireplace. Look on the left side of the mantle. See the bust of Beethoven? I keep it there to remind me of the human capacity to overcome adversity. 

Now look below this post, way below to the link of a flash mob performing selected portions of Beethoven's Ode to Joy. He was profoundly deaf when he wrote it. 

Some insightful person had the inspiration to take it to the streets of Nuremberg. It begins with the simple genius of  a small child daring to play her a recorder before a man with a double-bass viola. It builds to the final crescendo of the great musical genius of Beethoven's 9th symphony. Please, enjoy. It lasts 6 minutes, 23 seconds.


From left to right: Me, Dr. Magdalena
 Michalska, Austin Mardon, Dr.
Matthew Meeuwissen
The photograph to the right was taken last month when I participated in a news conference hosted by Alberta's Catholic Bishops as they released a statement against assisted suicide. It was my show of support and solidarity with the bishops for their important witness to the value of all human life and against a hideous culture of death coming into full bloom in Canada.
Gutting of a nation's
conscience: Most
Canadians support
 assist suicide

Effective June 2016, Canada's Supreme Court and Parliament will elevate assisted suicide for the disabled, sick and mentally ill to the level of a civil right. The healthy suicidal population will receive suicide prevention and there are suicide hotlines across the country to help them. If the chronically ill and disabled (people like me) become suicidal, we will receive death. 

Welcome to 21st Century Canada! We have entered a darkening time of shadows. Christians! Stand against this evil. Its origins come from hell itself!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


I am going to refer to my yet unknown adopted grandchild as a 'she', although we may receive a little boy. That will suit our family just fine too. Originally my daughter wanted to adopt a baby girl from China but many of those adoption options have tightened or closed. My head is still oriented to a granddaughter so for the sake of this blog post, let me refer to my future grandchild as a girl. 

For the last two years, my daughter and her husband have been trying to adopt a child from Haiti. It has not been easy. It seems they have been faced with so many hurdles. An exhaustive home study has been done, the necessary police checks completed, fees paid; their dossier now sits with Haitian authorities. I have every confidence that the good people in positions of authority in Haiti will place a child soon into the loving embrace of her new parents -- my daughter and son-in-law.

Whatever child is eventually adopted will have won the family jackpot. Love and nurture  permeate even the walls of every room in my daughter and son-in-law's home. 

My daughter is a committed stay-at-home mother who encourages her children to dare to dream and believe they can become -- become whatever they want through effort and commitment. Our family believes that God puts every human being here for a purpose. Elders play an important role in helping our children find their God-given purpose.

My daughter and son-in-law are finding the adoption process a financial strain. They set up a GoFundMe account to raise $5,000 to help defray the costs associated with the adoption. I would invite readers of the HumanLifeMatters blog to consider a small contribution to help pay for a Haitian orphan to be adopted into our forever family and be an orphan no more. Click here https://www.gofundme.com/poundfamily

Whoever our child/granchild is, she will be raised in a nurturing environment that will encourage her to dare to dream and be her best. Together as a family we will help her overcome whatever challenges she faced as a orphan and come into her own as our daughter/granddaughter. 


Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Within certain media and academic circles the term “progressive” is used to describe policy makers and politicians who promote agendas typically attributed to liberal causes. It’s a curious description that is used to cast a positive light on favoured or fashionable ideological perspective.   Conservative views are often described with derogatory labels such as right-wing (or even ‘extremist’) by secular media or political elite.

Sooner or later, the question must be asked: What is the progressives’ definition of progress? What do they want society to progress toward and how will we know when we get there? What will the progressive ideal world look like? Well, we can get some indication of their world by the things they espouse or decry. On moral issues, progressives consistently reject the previous moral consensus of western Christian civilization that served as the foundation of human advancement throughout the past thousand years. 

For example, I have noticed that progressives tend to favour and espouse assisted suicide for the dying, incurably sick and disabled. They euphemistically call it ‘choice in dying’. It will become a legal option in Canada beginning in June 2016. Notice the terminology has shifted from  ‘physician assisted suicide’ to ‘physician aid in dying’ to make killing sound compassionate. The new phrase is inaccurate and deceptive. Palliative care is physician aid in dying; it alleviates  suffering rather than killing the patient. In the past few weeks another phrase has emerged to broaden the scope of assisted suicide: Medical aid in dying. This can encompass nurses. After all, it will often be nurses who give lethal injections, under the doctor’s orders.

Government sanctioned assisted suicide is, as I said earlier,  a rejection of previous western Christian civilization and Common Law that has discouraged or punished assisted suicide going back centuries. So the progressive view of the world will include helping the dying, physically and mental ill, and disabled people ― the weakest and most vulnerable citizen ― kill themselves if they become suicidal.  Why should this surprise anyone?

Canada's activist Supreme Court
Struck down abortion law (1988)
and law against assisted suicide (2015)
Decades ago, Progressives in Parliament and the Supreme Court imposed unfettered freedom to choose abortion for unwanted or inconvenient pregnancies despite the fact that abortion has been considered a moral evil since the first century. Again this was a rejection of that previous moral consensus of western Christian civilization. It has resulted in millions of unborn children being killed before they ever saw the light of day.

So we see that the progressives’ new world abandons and kills society’s most vulnerable under the guise of what they euphemistically call “freedom to choose” death for oneself or another life.

The weakest and most defeated of society pay the highest price for progressives’ version of progress. I am one of the sick and disabled the progressives are willing to kill. It appears to me that their progress is actual regress into a barbaric Dark Age. Their utopia may well prove to be hell on earth for the sick and disabled, or unwanted children yet to be born.  They have led us down the wrong moral road! We must turn back! The hour is late and darkness is descending.

 C.S. Lewis said, 

We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.”

What is the right moral road? The right road follows a well-worn path established by the Ancient of Days. We will know it by taking our queue from the Scriptures and Sacred Traditions articulated so clearly and beautifully by the Catholic Church. If there is death with dignity it rests in Christ not poison or the end of a needle. In Christ we can find genuine life with dignity even when life is at its end. In Christ we will discover that the end of this life is just the beginning of eternal life.

Christians must stand up at this critical juncture in time to warn Canadian society it has taken the wrong road. Society must turn around and go back to the right road where true progress can be resumed once again.

Do not be discouraged if your warnings meet with limited success in turning people toward the right road. Canada’s death affirming culture will find it hard to understand the life affirming message found in Christian morality. Jesus told us that the road that leads to Him is narrow and few find it (Matthew 7:13-14). Even so, we are still called to point the way. Christ calls all humanity to himself. 

Proclaim the value of every life. Evangelical and Catholic citizens, demand care and protection of all who are in danger of being killed or killing themselves!
In Christ there is life.


Thursday, March 17, 2016


Cam Tait
Cam Tait is a successful Canadian columnist and author who writes for the Edmonton Sun. It is important not be be sidetracked by the fact that this talented writer happens to have cerebral palsy. His razor sharp intellect and talent with the written word are what sets him apart from other Canadian columnists, writers and authors. I am proud to say that Cam has been my friend for many years.   Read his insightful column "Suicide, assisted or not affects us all." at this link:


Wednesday, March 16, 2016


See a short 1:15 video clip on vulnerability and assisted suicide from the international Euthanasia Prevention video "Vulnerable" coming soon,.  Click on image below or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvfRhFs7-oM

Monday, March 14, 2016


Below is an open letter from me to His Holiness, Pope Francis. I
humbly ask that the Pope denounce Canada's attack on freedom of conscience and religious liberty associated with an emerging euthanasia/assisted suicide regime set to begin on June 6th 2016.

Perhaps words from His Holiness might persuade government and medical professional organizations to protect Christian doctors' and nurses' freedom of conscience from having to kill or refer patients to be killed. -- Mark


14 March 2016

His Holiness Pope Francis
State of the Vatican City
Rome, Italy

Your Holiness:

I am writing regarding a wide-spread national regime of physician assisted suicide that will begin across Canada effective June 6th 2016.  Doctors will be required to assist suicidal sick or disabled patients to kill themselves. Physicians with religious or moral objections to killing patients will still be required to refer suicidal patients to doctors willing to kill them. Catholic doctors refusing to murder patients or be complicit in their murders will face harsh punishments, or move away from Canada. Catholic hospitals, auxiliary hospitals and nursing homes will be forced to allow murder in their facilities, or get out of medical care, or adopt a policy of civil disobedience and refuse to cooperate in assisted suicide, and face persecution of the state.

This is in direct contravention of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 2, FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS, which states, in part: "Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: a.) freedom of conscience and religion; b.) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, ..." Canadian doctors and nurses must also be allowed this fundamental freedom. They must not be forced to participate in any aspect of assisting suicide, including referrals.

We need to hear from you, Holy Father. Please denounce the Canadian government's assisted suicide regime (that will ultimately encompass every condition, illness or disability -- including mental illness and minors). Denounce the direct attack on religious liberty of doctors and nurses in Canada.

Please Your Holiness. We need to hear from you.

I have the honour to be,
Your Holiness's obedient servant,

Mark Davis Pickup 
4417-51 Street
Beaumont, AB.
Canada, T4X 1C8
Email: MarkPickup@shaw.ca 

Saturday, March 12, 2016


In my corner of the world (central Alberta, Canada) Catholic Social
Services (CSS) is a major presence in various communities. Their wonderful work in a wide variety of important ministries is indispensable. 

Catholic Social Services have asked me to post prayer requests on the HumanLifeMatters blog. I will be posting them for you to include in your daily devotions. 

Let us pray for pregnant women who are alcohol addicted. For more information, click on link below for a short 45 second video produced by CSS under the general title of Oremus (Latin for "let us pray") on this subject.

Click here:  https://vimeo.com/158660762


Thursday, March 10, 2016


Dear friends in Christ. I am posting an email discussion I had this
morning with an American documentary film-maker I recently worked with. She expressed sadness that my life’s work seems to have met defeat. I appreciate her concern for me: But I would rather lose for something that is right than win for something that is wrong. Remember, don’t let temporal defeats cloud your eternal perspective.

More than thirty years of chronic illness and disability of MS have taught me that apparent defeat can open wide doors for witness and service for Christ. 

The American documentary film-maker's email is immediately below. I will refer to her as S. My response follows her message.    

From: S.
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:00 AM
Subject: Sad

Hi Mark,
I'm sincerely sorry for the Feb 9 ruling in your country.  I know you fought hard for this.
Wishing you continued hope.

Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:52 AM
To: S.
Subject: Sad? It's a matter of perspective

Thank you for your note S.. What’s about to happen in Canada can been seen as another defeat to my life’s work in Life issues against abortion and euthanasia. It is and it’s tragic, I agree. But it also gives me an opportunity to make my light of Christ shine in the darkness that has descended upon my nation. I have only my small candle but all the darkness in the world can not snuff it out.

Christ’s  followers must not give up (or give in) even against what seems to be overwhelming odds and defeat. We must show our moral and  spiritual mettle and now move into civil disobedience. Catholic hospitals and medical professionals must adopt a stance of full resistance and open defiance against the euthanasia regime in Canada. Catholic hospitals and Christian medical professionals must refuse to kill or refer to killers in assisted suicide or euthanasia. The government can choose to turn a blind eye or persecute doctors and hospitals that refuse to kill. It sounds grim and it is grim. The stakes are horribly high.

But it’s also a splendid opportunity for Christian witness in hope and life not death and despair. We now have an opportunity to establish a network of free-standing Christian hospices across the nation that always affirm life (even at its end) in an environment of love. This is when Christians can really show that the living Christ is real, that we know Him and our relationship with Him means so much more that what any court of legislature decrees -- if it openly demands we compromise or abandon the faith and relationship we have in Christ.

I am not defeated, S. I am humbled that God would trust me enough to put me in this place for a desperate time such as this.  The question I must answer is this: “Will I have the moral courage to be faithful to the calling I’ve been given?” That’s where I need your prayers, S. God bless.

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Julie Crawford about to be
transported to a medical
plane 02 March 2016
On March 1st 2016 I posted a plea to bring dying Julie Crawford (34) home from a cancer treatment center in Toronto. She was flown hoe to Alberta March 2nd on a medical flight funded through a GoFundMe account in her honour. Julie died with her family last evening, Thanks to all who contributed to pay the $40k to get her home.


Friday, March 4, 2016


A new phase of human killing is about to begin where doctor and executioner merge into one.  Like Alice in Wonderland, Canada is about to jump down a dark rabbit-hole; where it ends nobody knows.

The rabbit-hole is very deep – more like an abyss really. I fear it
will take society places it should not go. The ominous implications of Canada’s plunge into physician assisted suicide are truly frightening for people like me who are incurably ill and disabled.

As with abortion, the blessed Catholic Church is once again standing in the gap between life and death trying to defend the most vulnerable of humanity. And as with abortion, the Catholic Church will face the ire of the liberal secular press and rampant nihilism. 

Independent personal autonomy has replaced interdependent community.  Individualism and the mantra of “choice” have replaced the Common Good. The Church is decried as being out of step with the times. But the times are out of step with the history of western Christian civilization, Common Law spanning centuries, and the higher truth of natural law that has always existed regardless of what any court or legislature may decree.

Throughout more than two millennia, the Catholic Church has shone the true spiritual and moral light of Christ into dark times. But humanity often refuses to come into the light. Jesus said that “the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come into light, lest his deeds should be exposed.” (John 3.19-21.) I believe this is why the Catholic Church has been hated.

Despite intensifying opposition it still brings the truth of God to the world. We should not be surprised at the increasing hatred and opposition shown toward the Catholic Church and Her ministries. Remember, the world first hated Christ. We should expect no different. It is like a benchmark showing we are aligned with Christ and not the world.

Again, Jesus said, “But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” The teachings of the Catholic Church reflect the truth of Christ which is the essence of abundant life not only in eternity but also begins in the present.

An anti-Catholic column recently appeared in the Edmonton
Paula Simons
under the title: “If Covenant Health won’t obey law, it shouldn’t get public funds to run public hospitals.” Columnist  Paula Simons, acknowledged that Covenant Care operates 23 hospital and nursing homes in Alberta, has two major active treatment hospitals and in Edmonton and provides 90 per cent of the total palliative care beds in the Edmonton region. She then stated that if Covenant Care refuses to provide abortions or physician assisted suicide then they be cut off from receiving provincial health care funding.

The fact is that Catholic hospitals will never provide abortions or assist in suicides.  Simons does not seem to understand that Catholicism is rooted in ancient Scriptures and tradition and Christian morals dating back 2,000 years ― centuries before the Canadian Supreme Court or Canada existed. Catholic institutions will not kill for money or threats to withhold money. 

In her column, Simons does not explain how the province would make up the massive shortfall in medical care if Covenant Care had to fold or if the Catholic Church was forced out of health care.
Simons said that not providing assisted suicide to suicidal sick or disabled people is “cruel”.  

No it’s not. I am incurably ill and disabled. I need to know there are Catholic healthcare facilities that will always hold up my innate value, even if I have ceased to believe in my own value. I need to know there are people who will not listen to a death wish I might express when I am at my lowest point and euthanize me.

My family can rest assured that my life in the care of Covenant Care is protected and safe, regardless of what any court may decree. That assurance is priceless!

Thursday, March 3, 2016



Wesley J. Smith
Wesley J. Smith is one of the finest bioethical thinkers of our time. His latest column for American online publication First Things appears under the title "Canada declares war on Christian doctors and nurses". It is important because the ugly reality of state-enforced assisted suicide is about to descend on the nation of Canada in three months. Please click on the link above. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Dying mother Julie Crawford's story made the evening news. See http://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/mobile/video?clipId=819896


Julie Crawford is going home. A heart felt thank you to all who contributed to the GoFundMe fundraiser. You paid for a medical flight to bring this 34 year old terminally ill wife and mother from a Toronto hospital to her home near Edmonton. As you know from the previous blog post, Julie is near death after a long and courageous but unsuccessful battle with cancer. All therapies failed. She simply wants to go home now and be with her husband and seven year old son when she dies.

https://www.gofundme.com/juliecrawford was only set up yesterday and within a day the account has collected $48K of $50K. I am sure that by this evening the remaining $2,000 will be in the account. 

Complete strangers gave donations. They will never meet her on this side of the grave; yet other families gave so Julie could have her last wish to be with her family. Julie is being flown home by a charter medical flight on Wednesday, March 2nd. Thank you. That is what community does.

May God be with the Crawford family now in these last days of a long journey. About most things I know nothing, but I have experienced suffering. I know that God can give us His perfect peace. I pray the Crawfords will know that peace. -- Mark

[Click on image below or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKynh0Spy-Q for Laura Story, "Perfect Peace".]