President Trump |
Although I'm not American, I have a deep an abiding love for America: I want the best for that great nation. I’ve been thinking about ways to promote a moral shift in America that the New Administration can encourage toward a national life-affirming consensus: A consensus that seeks a place for unwanted unborn children and ways to support their parents.
I believe a cultural shift toward a culture of life is possible and can be encouraged through federal mandates. But they must be implemented at community levels. After all, the concept of universal human rights within a culture of life must begin at local community levels where they have meaning in people's lives.
Eleanor Roosevelt spoke about this in 1948, while pondering the new UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The great woman said this about human rights:
"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home -- so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person; the neighborhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm, or office where he works. ... Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere. Without concerted citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world."

Indeed, if a the culture of life that includes all human life is to take root once again in America, it must be realized in the places where people live.
Can the U.S. federal government provide targeted block funding to individual states or districts to implement specific mandates and programs? If I was an American, I would ask my president-elect to usher in a new American golden age of enlightenment where every human life is protected and cherished. I would say:
Dear President-elect Trump:
I want to begin by congratulating you on your election victory to become the 45th American President. Expectations are high that under your capable and visionary Presidency, you will "Make America Great Again". Nowhere is this more needed than in the value of human life. Please stop the abortion holocaust that has claimed the lives of 60-million unborn children over the past 43 years.
Implement policies that actively discourage abortion. An obvious way is to make one of your first actions as President is to immediately remove entirely the $500 million annual federal funding Planned Parenthood receives. Put those funds, in part or in whole, toward programs that support maternal and infant health before and after birth. Give support to crisis pregnancy care centers across America in the form of grants for programs that affirm the lives of BOTH mothers and their babies and discourages abortion. Under the general oversight of Health and Human Services (or one of its agencies) provide block funding transfers to state levels to make federally governed annual funding available to community based pregnancy centers that:
• Have established community and/or faith based partnerships;
• Provide accurate science based information about fetal development from a child's conception to full-term;
• Make prenatal ultrasound services available to abortion minded women;
• Provide or make available psychological and medical services as required;
• Give education for women with crisis pregnancies in areas of life-skills, early childhood care, nutrition, parenting & establish mentoring relationships, educational upgrading and/ or occupational skills upgrading where required;
• Assistance with obtaining gainful employment and quality childcare;
• Help women in crisis pregnancies to obtain legal services as required.
• Monitor clients' success and development over a specified period of time.
• Make available to schools life-affirming and science based programs about fetal development and problems associated with teen pregnancy and promotion/supports for abstinence from sexual activity until marriage.
The goal for funded agencies would be to encourage self-sufficiency of their clients to move away from welfare or other forms of government support. Funded agencies would provide annual financial accountability and prove successful attainment of their contracted objectives to state oversight agencies in order to be considered for future funding. (Any referrals or counselling for abortion would result in immediate termination of funding agreements.) States' HHS would provide annual reporting to their federal counterpart to ensure future program mandate block funding."

A disabled nobody writing to the leader of the most powerful nation on earth? Yes, I would do that. I would do it because I love America and what She has represented and stood for, and can stand for again. I would do it because 60 million unborn children will never feel the warmth of the sun on their shoulders, breathe fresh air, or find their places in the world. I would write to President Trump because the bloodshed of the nation's most defenceless must stop. At this blood-soaked time in history, there is no higher, no nobler, no holier aim than to find a way to end abortion.
If I was an American, I'd write to President Trump. -- Mark