misogyny n hatred of women.
Unfortunately, the HumanLifeMatters blog has a glitch that does not allow comments to be displayed. That's too bad because I get comments like this from somebody identifying herself as Roxanne May: "Pardon me, but do you have a uterus? No? Then this is none of your damned business. Keep your misogyny off my body." She was referring the the previous post entitled "SAFE LEGAL ABORTIONS ARE A MYTH: THEY MAY BE LEGAL BUT THEY ARE NOT SAFE". I invite you to read it immediately below this posting.
According to Roxanne, having a uterus is only criteria qualifying somebody to comment on the unsanitary and unsafe conditions of abortion clinics. Her rage blinds her reason. Needlessly putting women's lives at risk is every one's business; child abuse is every one's business (and abortion is the worst kind of child abuse). Speaking out against practises that endanger or kill people is part of every citizen's concern who values interdependent community and the greater human family.
Roxanne is parroting an old and tired abortion slogan dating back to the early 1970s. (Catchy slogans can stifle rational debate for years.) Unfortunately for Roxanne, her argument about a uterus being the only credential to speak about abortion does not hold up against reason or rationality. It does not work anymore.
Roxanne says "Keep your misogyny off my body." How does she know I hate women? I have never met her. Was it a hatred of women for me to expose an example of the putrid health conditions of an abortion clinic or refer readers to the Blackmun Wall which has a very long list of women who died as a result of so-called "safe legal abortions"? Au contraire! As a husband, father of a daughter and grandfather of three girls, I am deeply concerned about the welfare of women and children.
Apparently Roxanne did not read the last line of the blog posting below which said, "Society must emerge into a sunlit age where women in crisis pregnancies and their babies are accepted and valued within the larger embrace of a nurturing community." Day by day, the pro-choice ideology is getting harder to espouse. We know so much about prenatal life. Women scarred by abortion are becoming more vocal against it. The moral poverty of the abortion industry is coming to light with increasing regularity. The injustice of the status quo can not be maintained, unless truth is to be mocked. I will not be quiet as long as the killing of my fellow human beings continues with impunity. Everyone has the right to live. Everyone has the right to good medical care; Everyone has a right to be born and breath the fresh air, to feel the warmth of the sun on their shoulders and reach their full potential.
Abortion is as much of a blight on society as slavery. Abortion and slavery are based on the selfish desires of the powerful gained at the expense of the powerless. Do not confuse selfishness with freedom or liberty.
No Roxanne, I will not be silenced about injustice because of my anatomy any more than I will be silenced about injustice by my disability. I will not be silenced until abortion is but a bitter and shameful memory. I will not be silenced by the likes of Roxanne May or the sting of pro-choice vitriol.
Mark Davis Pickup
(Please read the blog posting below)