This blog deals with Christian living, disability, ethics, Life Issues, a wonderful miracle, and faith in Jesus Christ.
“Our once great western Christian civilization is dying. If this matters to followers of Jesus Christ, then we must set aside our denominational differences and work together to strengthen the things that remain and reclaim what has been lost. Evangelicals and Catholics must stand together to re-establish that former Christian culture and moral consensus. We have the numbers and the organization but the question is this: Do we have the will to win this present spiritual battle for Jesus Christ against secularism? Will we prayerfully and cooperatively work toward a new Christian spiritual revival ― or will we choose to hunker down in our churches and denominationalisms and watch everything sink into the spiritual and moral abyss of a New Dark Age?” - Mark Davis Pickup
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The above link is to a British television report on "after-birth abortions." See HumanLifeMatters' blog of March 4th 2012 on this topic.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Robert Latimer |
"I am pro-life and anti-euthanasia but I don't agree with you about Latimer. There are always exceptions. My experience with the medical system has shown me that there are times, rare but they do happen, when a situation really is dire. I have never seen any evidence that Latimer seethed with resentment of his daughter. She was in pain and was going to be in more and more pain and she couldn't take pain meds because of the anti-convulsants she was on. How long is a parent supposed to live with that? They could have put Tracey in a home and left her there but in homes she didn't thrive, so they could have chosen slow death for her and looked away. And that would have been morally alright? Latimer is an inarticulate, not-Godless Saskatchewan farmer who doesn't expect or ask a nanny state to solve his problems for him. I just can't see what he did as evil. I can see killing a child in pain who faces more and more pain out of love."
"I don't see discussing this as being wrong either. We need to discern the difference between someone in a situation where there is no answer and the other woman who simply doesn't want her children to live as they are -not in pain."
"Having said that, I do agree that this is not a good time to be disabled. Surely it doesn't do the disabled any service to cover over the really hard questions?"
You may have not seen evidence that Robert Latimer seethed with resentment for his daughter but, as the title of the previous blog states, there is seething undercurrent of public and media resentment and prejudice in Canada toward the disabled. It's often disguised in false yet noble sounding phrases such as "freedom of choice in dying" "death with dignity"and "mercy killing", but the effect is always the same: Get rid of the sick and disabled.
It's interesting to note that in October 2011, Canada's Parliament gave all Party support to developing a National Suicide Prevention Strategy yet there were MPs who supported it who also support assisted suicide for the disabled. So let me get this straight: The healthy and able-bodied population deserve suicide prevention but the disabled deserve help to commit suicide. What other conclusion should a Canadian with a severe disability (like me) draw from this?!
Back to the Latimer case. I am going to make some comments based on the court transcripts of the second trial, not articles in the popular press. (Remember the testimony given was under oath by various witnesses close to the case.) Anonymous says Tracy was in pain and the pain would only increase because of the anti-seizure medication she was on conflicted with possible pain medications. Tracy was only given Tylenol. Firstly, let us establish that according to testimony of a Theresa Huyghebaert, group home manager in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Tracy did not have grand mal seizures rather only short milder petit mals. The prospect of pain management was not properly explored by Robert Latimer when the last surgery was planned on October of 1993. According to his confession, he started thinking about killing Tracy right after the doctor appointment. (Incidentally, only after toxicology tests revealed lethal levels of carbon monoxide in Tracy's system (from Latimer's truck) were the police finally able to pry a confession of murder from Robert Latimer. Tracy did not die in her sleep as he initially maintained.)
Tracy Latimer |
The idea that the sum total of Tracy Latimer's life was misery and pain was inaccurate. Even though Robert Latimer's wife (Laura) tried to portray Tracey's life that way to protect her husband and support the defence strategy to fixate on Tracy's disability and pain, the Prosecution was able to get her to grudgingly admit that Tracy had good times.
Was Tracy's life completely miserable as the media and Robert's defence lawyers maintained? Was Tracy's life unworthy of living? Was her life one of continual suffering? Did Tracy have no happiness, no joy? Did her life have no redeeming qualities as the defence lawyer, media and Laura Latimer portrayed?
Laura told court that Tracy's last surgery left her utterly miserable. She said: "Tracy was in a lot of pain. Tracy was miserable. She used to be a happy little girl, and she turned into someone who just sat slumped, just waited to be moved. She was -- she was very unhappy." The image of Tracy painted at the trial, and reported by the media, was untrue and this was revealed numerous times during the court proceedings.
Misery and pain were not the sum total of Tracy Latimer's life any more than pain and misery are the sum total in the lives of countless other people with severe disabilities.
Tracy was a happy child. Professionals who worked with Tracy contradicted Laura's dismal portrayal of Tracy. Even Laura contradicted herself through her handwritten notes in a communication book that always accompanied Tracy for caregivers to read. Samples of Laura's notes alluding to Tracy being a happy child included comments like "Tracy was happy", "Tracy ate a good ham supper, she was a very happy girl", "When I came home, I gave Tracy a pudding. She was a happy girl.", "Tracy seems cheerful and more like her old self.", and "Tracy was very cheerful".
Tracy enjoyed sleep-overs and had a kean sense of mischief and fun. Her mother wrote in Tracy's book: "Tracy was the worst little girl at the sleep-over, up at ten to seven, laughing and vocalizing."
In another place Laura wrote: "After supper, we had a bonfire and Tracy sat outside until about nine o'clock. It was a beautiful night. Tracy seemed alert and happy." Laura continued, "Tracy had a good weekend, sat out on the deck lots. Grandma and grandpa came yesterday, she was so happy to see grandma."
Tracy Latimer went to a developmental centre Monday to Friday for regular school days. She came home each day on the same school bus as her siblings and other children, and did so right up to the Friday before she was murdered by her father. There were discussions about integrating Tracy into the regular school system. All of this information was brought out at the trial was available to read in the court transcripts if anybody cared to research it.
Apparently Anonymous has not done such research or she would not put forth the assertion that Tracy's parents could have put her in an institution ... at least I hope she would not. Even so, an institution is far better than a grave.
Robert Latimer did not behave like a good father. A good father does not murder his child. If he did the right thing -- as he still maintains -- why did he lie to police and attempt to destroy evidence? Why did he maintain Tracy died in her sleep (until evidence showed otherwise) rather than admit right away that he put Tracy in his truck and piped exhaust fumes into the cab? Own up to it and take the consequences -- if, in fact he did the right thing. The fact remains it was not the right thing. If Robert Latimer murdered one of his healthy children he would have been condemned in the eyes of the Canadian public. But he murdered his disabled child and became a folk-hero.
I don't think so. That's a reason I said Canada has a seething prejudice against the disabled -- and that prejudice extends to children. God forgive us.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Annette Corriveau (R) |
A trust fund was established for Robert Latimer's legal costs; it received close to $100,000 from across Canada! Many Canadians felt that Robert Latimer should not serve any time for killing his disabled daughter. Television interviews with people on streets of Canadian cities revealed stunning levels of public support for Robert Latimer. One man said that Latimer did a favour for his daughter by killing her. Others thought he did what was best for Tracy and should not have been charged with a crime. The judge Latimer's first trial issued an unprecedented "constitutional exemption" to Robert Latimer. Members of the jury in Latimer's second trial asked that he serve no more than one year in prison. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association petitioned the Justice Minister to reject Latimer's second degree sentence. Public opinion polls consistently revealed that over 70% of Canadians supported euthanasia for the terminally and chronically ill and assisted suicide for the disabled. Disabled people like me began to understand that the lives of chronically ill and disabled Canadians are viewed as having less worth than healthy Canadians and not deserving the same legal protections as the rest of the population.
In the Global TV program last weekend, journalist Jennifer Tryon said that the Latimer pitted morality against law. That is a view but not in the way Latimer and Tryon might think. Many of us within Canada's disability community believed it was profoundly immoral to murder Tracy Latimer and show lenience toward her killer in ways that would not have been shown if Latimer killed one of his healthy children.
There is a seething undercurrent of hostility against Canadians with disabilities -- and that hostility extends to children.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Mark Davis Pickup
I don’t know why this should surprise me. Canada aborts unwanted or inconvenient preborn babies yet will go to extraordinary measures to save a wanted unborn child. Why does being wanted or unwanted, convenient or inconvenient define human value? (I thought civilized societies move toward enlightenment, not away from it.)
Civilized societies, by proper definition, protect the weakest, the unwanted and unloved, in all circumstances and eventualities. The great statesman and American founding father Thomas Jefferson said “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.” This is true.
As you know, every year in Canada there approximately 100,000 abortions. Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien once said there is social peace about this issue. He was wrong. His comment showed the difference between a politician and a statesman.
Alberta is facing a provincial election in the near future. Ask your candidates where they stand on tax funding of abortion. If they say are pro-choice, tell them that 6-8 million dollars goes to pay for abortions annually in Alberta. Are they equally committed to providing that same amount of money to provide women with life-affirming alternatives to abortion? If their answer is no then they are not pro-choice, they are pro-abortion, and are unworthy of holding public office.
Personally I am even harder lined. If someone is so-called “pro-choice” I consider them unfit for public office. This has resulted in the accusation that I'm a one issue voter over this stand. No, I am concerned about many issues but this disqualifies a candidate in the same way that an anti-Semite disqualifies himself from public office. The right to life is the first and highest human right because all other human rights depend upon the right to life. A person who is pro-choice is not committed to universal human rights -- rather selective human rights.
Beyond taking to the streets, pro-Life people have done many things to reach out to abortion-minded or post-abortive women. Pregnancy Counselling Centres in various communities reach out to women contemplating abortion. Project Rachel reaches out to post-abortive women.
Knights of Columbus have been a supportive part of the pro-Life equation. The purchase of an ultrasound for the Pregnancy Counselling Centre was a wonderful contribution.
When I was a teenager, my girlfriend and I found ourselves faced with an unwanted pregnancy. I pressured her to have an abortion. I did not want a baby, I wanted to party and have sex without consequences. She didn’t want to do have an abortion but I pressured her. Eventually she gave in to my pressure. She didn’t really know what an abortion was or that we were going to kill a child, not removing a blob of tissue as it was presented then (and still is). That woman later became my wife, LaRee. We have regretted our abortion for 40 years. Eventually LaRee sought counselling to help her resolve her grief. I was left to my own means.
There may be other men who have regrets about abortion. When a man is young and sowing his wild oats, so to speak, he may not care. That comes later. As he matures, his family takes on increasing importance. His careless and false start as a young man can become an underlying or private sorrow for him.
Why not sponsor a retreat/conference for men of abortion? How many men in Edmonton grieve lost fatherhood because of abortion! Are there one hundred or a thousand men? Until someone reaches out, we will not know.
In this city of a million people, even if there are only a hundred men who need to work through an abortion in their life, then a retreat or conference to help them is worth it. They need to forgive themselves and be reconciled with God.
This is one way the Knights of Columbus can contribute to the tragedy of abortion and encourage healing. Thank you.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Princeton University |