This blog deals with
Christian living, disability, ethics,
Life Issues, a wonderful miracle,
and faith in Jesus Christ.
“Our once great western Christian civilization is dying. If this matters to followers of Jesus Christ, then we must set aside our denominational differences and work together to strengthen the things that remain and reclaim what has been lost. Evangelicals and Catholics must stand together to re-establish that former Christian culture and moral consensus. We have the numbers and the organization but the question is this: Do we have the will to win this present spiritual battle for Jesus Christ against secularism? Will we prayerfully and cooperatively work toward a new Christian spiritual revival ― or will we choose to hunker down in our churches and denominationalisms and watch everything sink into the spiritual and moral abyss of a New Dark Age?” - Mark Davis Pickup
I am available to address the perils of euthanasia and assisted suicide or a Christian perspective on suffering. For bookings write to me at
HumanLifeAlliance (Minneapolis, Minnesota) has made a new
New end-of-life documentary
video called Informed: Life is Worth Living. This documentary provides information and individual perspectives for making informed medical decision revolving around incurable disease and end of life issues. The U.S. based Pro-Life Health Care Alliance featured the production in a recent email newsletter. They stated, in part:
"Informed: Life is Worth Living is
an essential resource to communicate pro-life healthcare information. Viewers
will learn about the dangers inherent in today's end-of-life decisions. They'll
be equipped with information from individuals who have first-hand experience in
navigating these crucial choices. Chapter titles include:
Understanding Critical Medical
Peter's Story: When a Child Dies
Brain Death: Jennifer Hamann's Story
The Hidden Story about Organ
Living With a Deadly Diagnosis
Facing the Disability Challenge
Understanding Depression and Dying
Hospice: Making an Informed Decision
What about Food and Water
The Myth of Physician Assisted
Suicide Safeguards.
"Available in DVD format or online,
"Informed" includes interviews with leading pro-life advocates such as Julie
Grimstad (Life is Worth Living), Mary Kellett (Prenatal Partners for Life),
Jennifer Hamann (CA Nurses for Ethical Standards), Dana Palmer (cancer
survivor), Mark Davis Pickup (disability rights advocate), Dr. Karl Benzio
(Lighthouse Network), and Jo Tolck (Human Life Alliance)."
"More than just a sound bite, at a
runtime of 56:49, this video offers an introduction to end-of-life decisions
with depth. "It provides densely packed information. Viewers will want to watch
this series more than once to get the full message," HLA Executive Director, Jo Tolck pointed out.
"Informed: Life is Worth Living will save lives. This informative series is
perfect for churches, small groups, and all of us who need to make critical
medical decision."
Copies can purchased in DVD format or online at Click on image below or to see my interview Facing the Disability Challenge because, well, this is my blog. Having said that all eleven segments of the video are worth seeing and I highly recommend getting a copy of Informed: Life is Worth Living.
Christians who suffer must always remember
that something far greater awaits us in eternity. Our present pain will be
dwarfed by eternity's joy. Saint Paul wrote:
“For I consider that the sufferings of
this present time are not worthy to be compared the glory that which shall be
revealed in us.” (Romans 8.18)
In 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, we see more
assurance that the Christian's present afflictions produce a weight of glory in
heaven that is beyond comparison.
What we see is transitory, what is
unseen is eternal.[1] This moment's freight of pain is incomprehensible; it
must be seen through eyes of faith where it is possible to accept in humble
submission and alignment with Christ's redemptive suffering.
We have a prize of God's upward calling
in Jesus Christ. We who are losers in this world must keep our spiritual
discernment firmly fixed on the unseen reality of Christ. His image and glory
will yet come into clear focus. Our inheritance is with and in Christ and will
be our ultimate joy.
God has set eternity in the hearts of
men.[2] That is the source of the insatiable longing within you and me which began
in our earliest childhood – like a distant and indistinct inkling of something
that cannot quite be remembered.
It is a desire to give and receive
perfect love, which are both
just out of our reach and it breaks our hearts to
realize it. Our hearts, the core of our being, must be perfected to receive and
give perfect love which is the essence of God. Suffering can achieve this when
we place our pain in Jesus' pierced hands.
We were made for heaven yet we are
incapable of understanding what God has done and prepared for us. The
anticipating is almost as sweet as the having.
My earthly losses have only increased
my desire for holiness in preparation for the next world. I want to be
presentable to God and be able to accept his perfect love for me and, return a
perfect love for my heavenly Father, through Christ. This can only be done once
I have been thoroughly stripped of pride and self-centredness that crippled my
life more than disease.
I'm beginning to understand that
sickness and disability are the vehicles to excise my infernal pride. I have
ceased to ask "Why did God allow me to become crippled and sick?" I
know why. Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, "We, too, need to shed our skins
of pride through suffering." Discovering real truth involves suffering.
Truth without tears is a shallow truth indeed.
Do not be afraid of weeping when you
suffer or mourn. Jesus said you will be comforted (Matthew 5.4). You may cry
now but will laugh with joy. In heaven God himself will wipe away every tear
you have ever shed. He knows your present pain. Christ is with us.
That brings me to another point. The
last chapter of Matthew concludes with a promise. Christ said, "Remember,
I am with you always, to the end of the age." We do not suffer alone.
Mark Davis Pickup has lived with degenerative multiple sclerosis for over three decades. He has spoken across North Amerca about the perils of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Mark understands issues surrounding positive Christian responses to counter cultural acceptance of medical killing. He has a unique Christian perspective of suffering. To book Mark to speak in your area, contact him by email at View a short video message below.
I encountered a post on a Facebook page of a dear friend. It featured a bowl (see right). The image was accompanied with the following note:
"This is the Japanese art of Kintsugi. It
is the process of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver in order to
highlight the value of an object rather then disposing of it because of its
breaks and cracks.
To repair an object rather than allowing its
service to end at the time of its damage or breakage.
The application of the precious metal not only
increases the value of the piece but adds to its
unique beauty displayed through its imperfections.
Isn't God Good! His effect on our lives is the
same. It is to always add value to us and to display the beauty of who we are
because of what He has brought us through rather then to remove the remembrance
of it at all - no matter how painful it was initially.
The addition of His heavenly elements to our broken
places makes each of us uniquely beautiful and irreplaceable.
Thank you Lord, You make all things Beautiful in
time .. Even from the ashes comes the Crown."
There is such profound spiritual imagery here -- particularly
for those with broken bodies, broken hearts or broken minds. Still, Christ is the light of the world who can touch even the deepest sorrow and pain. Although written in a different context, and I've referred to it before, I am reminded of a beautiful song written by Leonard Cohen called Anthem. It carries the lines that seem appropriate to this blog entry.
"You can add up the parts, you won't have the sum,
I met Moira (not her real name) she was completely broken-hearted. As the old
song says, “I can tell by your eyes, you’ve probably been crying forever.” That
was Moira.
This forty-two year old mother had developed severe chronic
progressive multiple sclerosis which put her into a wheelchair within a year of
her diagnosis. Moira’s husband left her and their only daughter went with him.
She had nothing left she cared about and she wanted to die. The curtains in her
darkened apartment were drawn to shut out the daylight – like a sad metaphor of
what her life had become. What could I say to comfort her? Moira was
inconsolable. Her dreams had come true for a brief period of time then were snatched
away. The loss in her body paled in comparison to the loss in her heart.
do I share this with you? There are millions of people like Moira in the world.
Their hearts have been crushed by lost health, lost love, and lost dreams. The
beating of a broken heart is a tender thing that needs the soothing balm of
loving care from those around the individual filled with sorrow.
those who grieve, there is a God who understands. Christ’s heart was also broken.
He wept too and knew sorrow: “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point
of death.” (Matthew 26.38.) He knew what it was to feel abandoned: “My God, my
God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27.46.) He knew the feeling of being
homeless: “Foxes have their holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son
of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Luke 9.58.) Jesus knew excruciating
physical pain as we see with His Passion and crucifixion. There is no anguish
that Christ does not understand. We can approach him with confidence. I know
this from personal experience.
thirty years of incurable and generative disease I have continually called out
to God in my physical, emotional and spiritual anguish. At my lowest points Christ
has sent his consoling spirit to comfort me. (Perhaps that’s one reason why the
Holy Spirit is also referred to the Comforter.)
wish that Moira had turned to Christ in her sorrow. Maybe she eventually did,
but I haven’t seen her in years. Moira had a special opportunity to grow
spiritually through her anguish. It is often through suffering that humanity is
offered the prospect of transcendence. But what sort of transcendence?
offers us the possibility of transcending ourselves and our situations, if we
are open to His leading, and completely trust Him. It is hard. I also know from experience the
struggle between fear and faith. The question is this: Which will prevail?
is something Jesus struggled with as He entered his Passion at the Mount of
Olives. In his prayer, he was horrified at the physical destruction that lay
before him. Pope Benedict XVI addressed
this in his book, JESUS OF NAZARETH:
Pope tells us of the struggle between two wills found in Jesus’ prayer. There
is the “natural will” that resists the “appalling destructiveness of what is
happening and wants to plead that the chalice pass from him; and there is the
“filial will” that abandons itself
totally to the Father’s will.” (see p.156)
a lesser way each of us who are confronted with suffering also has a struggle
between our two wills. We have the natural will that recoils at the inevitable
“appalling destructiveness” of disease, progressive disability, or old age.
Then there is the “filial will” as children of God ― a desire to follow our
heavenly Father in childlike trust and expectation of his joy and the divine
that lies just beyond reach in our earthly state.
is a yearning deep within the human heart for the perfect
love of eternity. It
has been there since earliest childhood. It is there because God put it there.
I think this is what is meant in Ecclesiastes when it says that God “has put
the timeless into their hearts, without men’s ever discovering it, from
beginning to end, the work God has done.” (3.11.)
Suffering has the capacity, if we let it, to intensify
that yearning for the perfection of the Eternal. It is not a desire for death,
rather a desire to see the face of God. It will be then, in His perfect love,
that all our earthly suffering will make sense.
Earlier this year, I had the privilege of speaking at the historic Washington Cathedral about the sanctity of human life and disability inclusion. The beautiful 19th century red brick Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle is steeped in American history of the Capitol.
As I was speaking, I could see on the floor, a foot or so in front of me, a plaque honoring President Kennedy. His body laid on that very spot for his requiem mass after being assassinated in 1963.
It was 10 years before Roe v Wade that began the great and
terrible abortion holocaust began in America that has slaughtered more than 58 million children before they ever
saw the light of day. It was a generation before legalized medical killing of the sick and disabled in Oregon, California, Washington state and Vermont. Would John Kennedy be horrified at where his nation has gone? I believe he would.
My previous blog post about abortion extremist presidential candidate Hillary Clinton brought a negative response from an American reader, implying that, as a Canadian, I should mind my own business.
What happens in America does impact Canada (as it does the rest of the world). Although Canadians like to think we are so very independent of America, we are, in actual fact, very dependent on our southern neighbors and are saturated with America culture. Most of my pro-Life and disability advocacy over the past 20 years
has been in America. I have a deep love and abiding respect for America and its people. Many of my posts are about America; they are motivated by that love and respect. I am very concerned about the dismal choice facing the good people of American this election. As the Presidential race sits at this moment, Americans have one of
Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine
two bad candidates to choose from. Hillary Clinton will increase the prenatal bloodshed across America. She has an abortion supporter as a Vice presidential running mate. She is surrounded by Democratic abortion ideologues. She has vowed to appoint pro-abortion Supreme Court judges. If elected as President, Clinton will open wide the gates to killing unborn children. There is zero chance she will represent tens of millions of pro-Life Americans and the most vulnerable of the human family, whether they at the beginning of life or at the end of life.* Not only will Clinton increase prenatal bloodshed at home, it is a safe bet her administration the evil of abortion internationally.
Mike Pence and Donald Trump
If Americans choose Donald Trump, he will have a moderating influence in his conservative, pro-Life, Christian Vice President, Mike Pence. As President, Trump will have to make overtures to Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives (many of whom are pro-Life). The chances are better that conservative life-affirming judges would be appointed to the Supreme Court. Donald Trump is a bad choice for President, granted, but he may well be surrounded by good people who will have a moderating influence on him. That's more than can be said about Hillary Clinton. [There is also a third Libertarian Party represented by Gary Johnson. He also supports abortion and euthanasia.] At this point in American history, the choice is not who will make the best President, rather who will do the least harm. Despite his bombast I think Trump should be the choice. Don't look at him, look at the people who will play supportive roles to his Presidency. God bless America. -- Mark __________________
People have accused me of being a one-issue voter, about abortion. Not true. I care deeply about the economy, the environment, national defense, health care and a host of other issues.
There are, however disqualifying issues. For example I could not vote for a pedophile or racist no matter how good their economic policies. In the same way, I could not, in good conscience, ever vote for someone who supports abortion.
Hillary Clinton
For a candidate to deny any segment of the human family the right of full legal protection and care makes that person unfit for public office. Hillary Clinton is one such example. She said that "The unborn person doesn't have constitutional rights", ... and she believes should be that way. In my view that disqualifies Hillary Clinton from public office -- and certainly not the U.S. presidency -- regardless of the dismal alternative. To hold such an extreme position is bigotry or sophistry. Let me give an example to illustrate my point: Replace the word "unborn" with the word "Black", or "female", or "homosexual." See what I mean? Bigotry has no place in the White House. Universal human rights belong to everybody.
Trump's running mate Mike Pence
If I was American I could not support Hillary Clinton no matter the dismal alternative. Perhaps Vice President nominee Mike Pence can have a moderating influence on Donald Trump. He is, after all, a devout pro-Life Christian.
I plead with American readers of this blog: Please do not put Hillary Clinton in the White House. See the following short video on Hillary Clinton's abortion extremism.
Up until 1991, I worked for the Canadian federal Commission charged with promoting employment equity in the workplace for Canadians with disabilities. One of the worst of offenders of disability employment discrimination was the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Every year the federal human rights commission filed its annual report in the Canadian parliament showing the CBC failed BOMBED with flying colours to meet expectations of federal corporations to hire and retain people with disabilities (or other target groups).
I could not persuade senior management of the CBC Alberta/NWT region to consider qualified disabled workers for a broad spectrum of employment across the CBC -- and particularly not as broadcasters. They just could not imagine the possibility of including skilled disabled writers, researchers, producers, directors, editors, and particularly NOT television reporters and anchors.
Year after year, the federally funded CBC failed to meet expectations for an internal workforce that reflected the mosaic of Canadian society. This was particularly true with regard to disability.
My training and experience prior to my disability included television and radio so I convinced my Commission to offer me on secondment to the CBC for a year to work with a program team for a radio show as a writer/researcher. Of course the CBC bit. It was free labour for them; for me, it was an opportunity to encourage them to look past disability. They would not. They seemed to think they were above accountability. Even after the year's secondment, and glowing performance reviews of my work, senior management remained resistance to the point of defiance at employment equity for qualified disabled workers.
At the end of the secondment, I met with CBC Alberta/NWT senior management, for debriefing. They admitted that I proved to be a valued employee who only required minor workplace accommodation. They admitted their dismal employment record for disability -- they could not deny the horrible statistics -- particularly television on-air reporters/anchors. One executive cynically mused about getting employees who wear glasses to self-identify as disabled to get their numbers up (chuckle-chuckle). At one point in the meeting I asked, "Why wouldn't you consider a visibly disabled reporter or anchor?"
Silence. One manager said, "A reporter in a wheelchair would be distracting to viewers." I responded, "Initially, perhaps, but I think you under-estimate your viewers' ability to accept
difference. They simply want the news and quality programming." I reminded them there was a time in the 1960s when the same argument was said about women reporters and anchors.
An uncomfortable program executive feigned openness to the idea and said, "Well, I suppose we could hide their wheelchair behind a desk or take waist-up shots." I replied: "Why are you presuming a wheelchair, and secondly why would you hide a person's disability?"
Another producer erupted, "This is bull****!" He stood, threw his file on the conference table, and stormed out of the room. The meeting ended shortly after that.
Patrick Watson
President of CBC
It was clear that I failed to break through a corporate culture that discriminated against considering qualified disabled workers across a full spectrum of employment opportunities. (What was ironic was that the national President of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was an amputee (Patrick Watson)).
In fairness to the CBC, a month or two after I returned to my regular position with the employment commission I received a call from a senior CBC executive in Toronto about a new show they were developing to explore issues of Canadians with disabilities. They wanted me to consider hosting it. The CBC flew me to Ottawa to meet with the executive producer of the proposed show to discuss the idea of a 13 week pilot on their newly established news channel. It was hardly attractive: They offered me half of my salary and I would have to uproot my young family and move to Ottawa for the tenuous prospect of hosting a show that could easily end after 13 weeks. I turned down the "offer".
Why was I persistent in my push for the CBC to consider disabled broadcasters? Young people with disabilities needed (and still do) positive employment role models in the broadcasting industry for them to aspire to (and other professions). The broadcasting industry needed to be introduced to the prospect of employing skilled, talented people despite disabilities not because of them. They still do. Society needed to aspire to full inclusion of people with disabilities as indispensable citizens who have contributions to make to the greater good (society still does.) I hope things have changed, although I still do not see a visible disability presence on television. The CBC seems is so quick to point out the prejudices and failing of everyone else but loath to admit their own.
Why am I blogging about a 25 year old experience I had with the CBC? I'm doing it precisely because so little seems to have changed in a quarter of a century.
The general employment prospects for workers with disabilities in Canada and abroad remain appalling. Such horrendous unemployment/under-employment rates that are experienced among the disabled would not be tolerated in the rest of the workforce. You see, I used my experience with the CBC as a segue into the larger issue of disability discrimination. The cultural deck is stacked against disability inclusion. The disabled face discrimination in every meaningful aspect of life from employment to finding decent housing, transportation, recreation, proper education and supports, health care and home care that may be spotty, inconsistent or piece-meal. Many disabled Canadians feel marginalized and excluded
from mainstream society. The frustrations of living with serious disability can breed despair -- particularly with newly acquired adult disability. It is into such an environment that Canada was introduced the legal option for medically assisted suicide for the disabled under the guise of supporting autonomous choice. Some autonomy! Some choice! We are not offered real equality (or quality) of life, only contrived and twisted equality in death. The ultimate exclusion is the grave.