I care deeply about the environment and the economy and I don't believe we have to choose between them: We can have a sensible balance. I care deeply about health, justice, trade, agriculture, and policies that support inclusion, family life and children. I want good roads, good infrastructures, good hospitals, good schools. I want to know parents are able to choose the kind of education their children receive. I want impartial, non-activist judges and fair courts. I want proper, reasonable immigration policy that is orderly—not simply throwing open the borders of the nation. I believe in a strong national defense and military.
And yet, it's worth nothing if national, provincial or state politicians do not place the protection and care of all human life at the very apex of priorities and policies. All laws and policies must be motivated by those priorities or enhance them.
A political candidate who supports the freedom to kill unborn children or agrees with assisted suicide and euthanasia of the sick and disabled is unfit for the high calling of public office.