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Mark Davis Pickup |
This blog deals with Christian living, disability, ethics, Life Issues, a wonderful miracle, and faith in Jesus Christ.
“Our once great western Christian civilization is dying. If this matters to followers of Jesus Christ, then we must set aside our denominational differences and work together to strengthen the things that remain and reclaim what has been lost. Evangelicals and Catholics must stand together to re-establish that former Christian culture and moral consensus. We have the numbers and the organization but the question is this: Do we have the will to win this present spiritual battle for Jesus Christ against secularism? Will we prayerfully and cooperatively work toward a new Christian spiritual revival ― or will we choose to hunker down in our churches and denominationalisms and watch everything sink into the spiritual and moral abyss of a New Dark Age?” - Mark Davis Pickup
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

There was a virtual blackout in mainstream news coverage. Most Edmontonians who rely on the media to keep them informed would have been ignorant of the large event that occurred. Thankfully, with the advent of the Internet, the traditional liberal press no longer have a strangle hold on mass dissemination of information.
There was some coverage by the online pro-Life news outlet LifeSiteNews. See http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/alberta-march-for-life-breaks-attendance-record?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=5e516a554d-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_05_22_2012&utm_medium=email
If a dozen people show up at the Alberta Legislature to protest Alberta's oilsands -- it's the lead story on the evening TV news and on the front page of the Edmonton Journal newspaper the next morning. If five transgenders protest on the steps of the same Legislature because they want their sex change surgery paid for by the government, it gets wall-to-wall news coverage. But well over a thousand people protest the killing of unborn children by abortion or withholding food and water from the terminally or chronically ill ... and there's not a word by the liberal media. Silence. It's as though it did not happen. Shhhh.
The worst case of this sort of media censorship of the pro-Life message that I remember occurred in the early1980s when an estimated 25,000 citizens silently marched past Henry Morgentaler's Toronto abortion clinic, to protest the wanton killing of unborn children at that terrible place.[2] There was a blackout of the story by the media. Such a massive demonstration and it went virtually unreported by the media! Coincidence? I think not. The event was hard to miss -- particularly with press releases that went out beforehand. The censorship by the media was intentional.
Do not think this sort of bias and dishonest journalism is unique to Alberta or Ontario. It goes on in many jurisdictions. Liberal news organizations decide what they report and how they report in an attempt to sway public opinion toward liberal causes.

Nearly 40 years ago, I studied radio and television in college. I would have been failed for some of the antics that pass for news now. Later I worked for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBC). Internally their left-wing politics were obvious and it coloured their news and current affairs. Publicly they would not admit it but it was there. This was particularly blatant when it came to stories related to abortion. When doing a story about this topic they would try to ensure they interviewed the most inarticulate pro-Life people and get the most articulate abortion advocates. (It's called stacking the deck.) I remember on one occasion when an abortion story was in the news, the entire news room broke into a chant "Choice now! Choice now!" I thought to myself, "Is it even possible at the CBC to strive for balance?" On another occasion during the morning story meeting after a new provincial Cabinet was announced, the news producer was looking at the list of new Cabinet ministers and asked "Who is John Oldring?" The news anchor said, "He's an [expletive] pro-lifer! Let's get him!" I was new to the news team and asked, "I thought we supposed to be balanced and unbiased." The producer looked at me like I was from a different planet and mumbled something to this effect with a smirk and a wink to the rest of the people in the meeting. "Oh Yeah, we do that." They went on to try and "get" the pro-Life politician.
If you think this is all long in the past, watch how CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC and the New York Times cover the the presidential election and the months leading up to the election day in November.
Mark Davis Pickup
[1] I spoke to the crowd (see previous blog entitled THEY ASKED FOR A SPEECH).
[2] Police estimate of the crowd size, not organizers.
[3] See Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Bias-Insider-Exposes-Media-Distort/dp/0895261901
Monday, May 21, 2012
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Thomas Jefferson |
Thomas Jefferson said something about the purpose of government that could/should be adapted to govern bioethics.
I would like to see the following motto be adopted for the study and practice of bioethics at every university and hospital then posted on all bioethicists' office walls:
The care and protection of human life, and not its destruction, is the only legitimate role of bioethics. [1]
Mark Davis Pickup
[1] The quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson: "The care of human life and happiness, and not its destruction, is the first and only object of good government."
Friday, May 18, 2012
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Mark Davis Pickup
May 18th 2012

LaRee |

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I fear for America. A new liberal elitism is emerging that threatens the very institutions, mores, values and religion that made the United States great. America has been a beacon to the world for human liberty, equality, justice and freedom. These bedrock foundations of American society are being dangerously eroded. Liberty is not licence. Freedom without moral restraint or a consensus of community standards is chaos. Communities worth belonging to protect their weakest and most vulnerable.

Although the great man is gone, he can still speak to Americans (and the world) about a moral crisis that symbolizes the selfishness and moral poverty of our age: the holocaust of abortion. Thanks to YouTube, Ronald Reagan`s still speaks to us. His message must be heard again! Perhaps if we turn from the evil of abortion and turn back to God, our nations may experience His blessing anew and not judgment.
I ask every person who loves America to listen to Ronald Reagan again. At the time he said these words there had been 15 million abortions in America since Roe V. Wade. The number now exceeds 55 million abortions! Click on the image below.
Mark Davis Pickup
Thursday, May 10, 2012
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Mark Davis Pickup |
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Carol Tobias |
Dear Friends:
In an exclusive interview with the Washington Post’s Sarah Kliff released tonight, NARAL President Nancy Keenan announced that she would be stepping down from her post at the end of the year.
Kliff writes in her story:
In other words, Nancy Keenan’s conclusion is something we have known for years: the post-Roe generations are pro-life – and more passionately so than their parents’ generations and their pro-abortion, post-Roe counterparts.
We know from Gallup that 61% of the country believes abortion should be illegal in all circumstances or legal only in a few circumstances. We know from Gallup that 45% of the country self-identifies as pro-life. We know from Gallup that 51% of Americans believe abortion is morally wrong. And we know that when those questions are asked of the post-Roe generation, the numbers tend to skew higher.
More important, I know that none of this would even be possible without you and the work you do with National Right to Life and our nationwide network of state affiliates and local chapters. Every day you are educating your communities, touching hearts and changing minds. Every day, you are helping us make a difference for the most defenseless members of our society.
Look back to 2003 when the New York Times Magazine quoted David J. Garrow, a hard-core pro-abortion "legal historian" at Emory University, as stating, “There’s been so much media attention over the last seven to eight years on partial-birth abortion, we shouldn't be surprised that some of it has had an effect on 12-to-14-year-olds, and it is a public relations coup for the National Right to Life Committee."
The other side has noticed. And they’re “worried.”
Keep up the great work. Together we will win…for their lives.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
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Stephen Woodworth |
I am reminded of a famous line from Charles Dickens' book Oliver Twist: "'If the law supposes that,' said Mr. Bumble . . . 'the law is a ass - a idiot.'"
So it is. The law is based on pro-abortion ideology, not biological evidence which established decades ago that life reproduced sexually begins when sperm fertilizes egg. This is not a matter of taste or opinion, it is biological evidence.
If Canada truly believes in the concept of universal human rights then all human life must be included within that ideal. That's what "universal" means. Human rights begin when human life begins and ends with life's natural conclusion.
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Thomas Mulcair |
In defending his motion, Woodworth said, "There's a diversity of opinion across Canada on the question of our definition of human being. But what does a parliamentarian do in the face of diversity? Rather than let opinions fester, one should expose them to the light of day."
Some opinions cannot be sustained in the light of day. They need the logic of darkness in order to be maintained. The light of biological science, unfiltered by pro-abortion ideology, would quickly establish that life reproduced sexually begins at conception. All one has to do is refer to the Carnegie Stages of human development.
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Carnegie Stages of Human Development |
Canada's law is backward and bigoted. It needs to change to finally recognize and include what we know about prenatal life.
Unborn children are not the first group of humanity that has not been recognized as legal persons. Until 1929, Canada's Supreme Court said women were not legal persons. There was a time in North America when aboriginal people were considered non-persons.
In 1857, the United States Supreme Court ruled in the Dred Scott decision that black slaves were considered property and not legal persons.During the Third Reich, the personhood and humanity of Jews was questioned. Adolf Hitler said, "The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but not human."
History is marred with examples of people arbitrarily denying other groups of humanity legal personhood or even recognition as human beings. Now it is unborn children who are systematically denied their humanity and not recognized as legal persons. Prejudice makes civil society uncivilized.
Even if a parliamentary committee were to review the Criminal Code's position that a child only becomes human at the point of birth, it would still have to look at when biological science established when life begins. Unfortunately, too many parliamentarians will not accept the answer.
It would not be the first time a government has examined this important question. In April 1981, the U.S. Congress conducted a series of hearings to answer the question "When does life begin?"
A group of internationally recognized scientists appeared before the committee with a resounding collective statement that conception marks the beginning of a new human being. Fifty-seven witnesses appeared and only one scientist disagreed; his disagreement was based on philosophical, not scientific, grounds.Did it change anything? No. Corrupt ideology and prejudice prevailed over truth. Millions of children have died by abortion across America since 1981. Why should we think it will be different 30 years later in Canada? Are we more open to truth now?
I fear the answer is "no," but pray it might become "yes." Until then, it remains important that God's people continue to proclaim the sanctity and dignity of all human life and prayerfully offer life-affirming alternatives to women considering abortion.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2012: A Conference on Stealth Euthanasia
Saturday, June 2, 2012 | 835 2nd Ave NW | New Brighton, MN 55112
Register NowHuman Life Alliance and United for Life of Minnesota are excited to announce Imposed Death: A Conference on Stealth Euthanasia to be held Saturday, June 2, 2012 in New Brighton, Minnesota. This full-day conference boasts a line-up of exceptional speakers covering a wide range of end-of-life topics.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
What bioethics did was also reverse this dictum to end of life issues -- and this was taught in a major seminar at a Georgetown bioethics conference early on (about 1990). Those of us in the seminar on "euthanasia" were taught that -- just as there is a series of souls at the beginning of life -- at the end of life the reverse happens (supposedly adapted from St. Thomas): in the dying patient, first the rational soul leaves the body, then the sensitive soul leaves the body, and finally the only thing left there in the patient is the vegetative soul -- and thus there is no "person" really present! Of course, that would also mean that with euthanasia, physician assisted suicide (PAS), and organ transplantation, the use of such "vegetables" in human research, etc., would be "ethical". This concept of the "vegetative state" was immediately picked up by one of the first new bioethics international centers in France -- INSERM. They were the ones who really popularized the phrase.
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Aristotle |
As an Aristotelean Thomist myself, I wrote an article on this last year, with extensive direct quotations from both Aristotle and St. Thomas, using the wonderful encyclical of Pope Leo XVIII as a backdrop: “’Revival’ of St. Thomas’ Philosophy – Yes, But Not His Erroneous ‘Delayed Personhood’ Argument; Concerns for Beginning and End of Life Issues” (April 4, 2011), at: http://www.lifeissues.net/writers/irv/irv_185revival.st.thomas1.html.
Dianne Irving, Ph.D.