Self-destruction is not a rational act. It may be chosen out of despair, or depression, or desperation or abandonment … but suicide it is never “freely” chosen. Implanted deep within humanity’s make-up is a strong instinct for self-preservation. A man may willfully over-ride this instinct and die to save others. Jesus said there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for his friends (John 15:13). Such a great love is ultruististic not self-serving. A person may choose death rather than betray an ideal. Countless Christians have chosen death rather than deny Christ. Again they are over-riding the strong instinct for self-preservation for the sake of a higher ideal: Christ. There is also a divine dimension that comes into play.
The acceptance of assisted suicide is the result of personal autonomy gone amuck! It is the result of a generation of individuals who believe they have no responsibilities, only freedoms. The feel no responsibility to a larger common good. Each individual is an island entire unto themselves.
Jesus’ reference to that place is not so reassuring (See Matthew 8:12b, 13:41-42, Mark 9:43-48, Luke 16:23-24, John 3:36)
I choose to reject autonomy in favor of community. I believe I have a greater responsibility to the common good than my own interests. I believe interdependence is better than independence. The Bible says much about defending the rights of others but very little about defending one's own rights. (See Philippians 2:3-4)
A world filled with defenders of inalienable rights of others will find their own rights being defended. A world filled with people who demand their own rights will find that in the end only those who bellow loudest will prevail. The weakest voices will be drowned out. That is not a community, it is a jungle.
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