Mount Edith Cavell |
If you go into Canada's Jasper National Park, you may see the
beautiful and majestic Mount Edith Cavell.
The mountain’s namesake was the daughter of an Anglican vicar. Edith
Cavell (1865-1915) was a British nurse and patriot during the 1st World War. Although
she tended wounded soldiers on both sides at the Berkendael Medical Institute
in Brussels, she helped nearly 200 allied soldiers get false documents and flee
into neutral Holland and escape to England.
Edith Cavell |
Edith Cavell was caught by the German military,
arrested, tried for treason and sentenced to be executed by firing squad on
October 12th 1915. On the
night before her execution she wrote to a friend: “My dear girl, how shall I
write to you this last day? Nothing matters when one comes to the last hour but
a clear conscience.” That same evening Cavell told a prison chaplain, “I have
no fear or shrinking. I have seen death so often that it is not fearful or
strange to me. And this I would say, standing in view of God and eternity: I
realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness
against anyone.”
In life, Edith Cavell’s Christian faith motivated her brave
selfless actions of human service. Facing death, her faith gave her
strength to look toward heaven with expectation, courage and love for others ―
even forgiving those who were about to shoot her. It was with these sentiments and
her towering faith that Edith Cavell drew her last breath and crossed the
threshold from this world to the next. She was 49 years old.
Edith Cavell is an example to all Christians to live
larger than life, even today more than a 100 years after her death. She took seriously Jesus’ commandment that we
should love one another as He first loved us. He said that all people would
know that we are his disciples by the way we love each other. (John 13.34-35)
Love is our greatest witness for Christ.
How did Christ love us? He loved us with a
self-sacrificing love
that included dying for our sake even when we are his
enemies. Gigantic and noble love that is rooted in Christ can raise the best of
human ideals to the height of mountain peaks and the realm of angels. Christian
love seeks the welfare of all and never seeks to wrong any. Christian love
looks for opportunities to do good not only to fellow-believers but to
everyone. When society’s love waxes cold Christian love excels.
Never underestimate the power of divine love expressed
through human action. I can personally
attest to it. Even at my lowest points I
have been the recipient of Christ-like love.
It was Christian love that brought me into the Catholic Church.
Bill Irwin |
Watching vivid applications of Christian love through
people like my friend Monsignor Bill Irwin brought Christianity alive for me
and multitudes of other people. His
witness was Christian love in action that spoke to me more than eloquently than
words, clever apologetics or powerful homilies.
His spiritual legacy lives on in communities through Catholic Social
Services which he founded in 1961.
I visited Father Bill as he was dying in 2004. Although he could not speak I had the privilege of
sitting beside his bed to say goodbye to my old friend, until we meet again
in eternity.
Like Edith Cavell, Monsignor Bill Irwin was another
example of living larger than life for the sake of Christ’s work on earth.
There may not be a mountain named after him but his witness was just as
large. He taught me that “impossible” is
often just a state of mind. With Christ all things are possible.
The Church teaches that charity is a theological
virtue “by which we love God above all things for his own sake, and our
neighbor as ourselves for the love of God. Jesus makes charity the new commandment.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1822 and 1823.)
Christian love expressed can change individual lives
and even entire societies. It was Christian love and its charitable ethic that
motivated the establishment of many of the earliest hospitals, orphanages and
schools. When considering Christian charity names immediately come to mind like
Vincent de Paul and the Daughters of Charity, Mother Teresa and the Sisters of
Charity. Millions of ordinary Christian charity workers and volunteers have also
chosen to live above life and elevate human service to a love offering to God. We commonly see it in pro-Life pregnancy care centres for women in crisis pregnancies and their babies. We see it in Christian end-of-life care that always affirms life and never denies it. We see it in Christian outreach ministries throughout inner cities across North America. These examples are the essence of gigantic and noble love that
soars to the height of mountain peaks and the realm of angels.
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