Here's a problem with selective Christianity and
vetting the Bible for repulsiveness. Dave finds passages condemning homosexuality repulsive. John is a thief: He finds the 7th Commandment repulsive. Ted is a serial adulterer. He wants to dispense with the 6th Commandment and all other references in Scripture that are against unfaithfulness. Rachel thinks accounts of the Passion of Christ are too violent. Who knows what kind of violence it might trigger in an unstable person! She wants the crucifix removed from the front of the church because that too may encourage weak minds to be cruel, violent or sadistic. Eric is of the same view and thinks the Bible should be declared hate literature and banned from public libraries. Gerald finds the teachings about the physical resurrection of Christ preposterous. He thinks it's bunk and wants a requirement for Bible publishers to add a disclaimer to the front of the Gospels saying it's just a story written by primitive men with superstitious minds. In the end, Christianity will be gutted of all meaning and that's what I think Dave, John, Rachel, Eric Gerald and other progressives want. They may deny it but they are anti-Christians. Christophobes. They want to make their relative truths absolute.

Here's an inconvenient truth quite beyond fashionable thinking. There is a God who exists independent of human thought. This God created all that exists and He sets the rules. God is concerned about the course of human events and has been active in history. He will continue to be active in human events and the unfolding of time long after Dave's "modern society" ceases to exist. Self-appointed progressives will be exposed as regressive. Today's moderns will be passé tomorrow and another progressive mentality will emerge—perhaps more enlightened or more repressive and brutal than the current batch.
Modern man will pass away. God remains. We must humbly reconcile with God on His terms, not ours.
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