Dear readers of this blog (as of this morning there have been over 70,000 hits): I want to bring your attention to an important event coming up in less than a month. It is important for people of good-will to hear what these people have to say. They are steadfastly fighting on the front lines against euthanasia and the protection of vulnerable populations. Register today for this timely conference at this link:
Thank you.
Mark Davis Pickup
2012: A Conference on Stealth Euthanasia
Saturday, June 2, 2012 | 835 2nd Ave NW | New Brighton, MN 55112
Register Now
Human Life Alliance and United for Life of Minnesota are excited to announce Imposed Death: A Conference on Stealth Euthanasia to be held Saturday, June 2, 2012 in New Brighton, Minnesota. This full-day conference boasts a line-up of exceptional speakers covering a wide range of end-of-life topics.

Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition of Canada, will be discussing the world-wide perspective of imposed death from Holland and the Netherlands to what is happening here in our own neighborhoods. He will help us to understand how the “the-right-to-die” movement has brought us to this point and where we’re going from here if it continues unchecked. Mr. Schadenberg is an expert on assisted suicide and euthanasia around the globe and will be helping us to have a deeper understanding of how insidious the pushers of death are.

Ron Panzer, RN, founder and president of Hospice Patients Alliance (HPA), will be speaking about Stealth Euthanasia. As a nurse who has exposed violations of the standards of care within hospice and other niches of healthcare, Ron has much to share with us about what is really happening. Ron and HPA are at the frontline in exposing the pervasive infiltration into hospice and healthcare by the culture of death with its bioethical-based policies that are hastening many tens of thousands into death before their time. Ron has served as a consultant on hospice for thousands of families, patients and staff from all over the USA and has been interviewed by journalists for online news sources as well as newspapers, radio and TV. He will help us to understand how accepted, extensive and permeating the concept of euthanasia and a “right to die” have become.

Julie Grimstad, LPN, founder and president of Life is Worth Living, will be sharing her expertise in two areas: Health Care Decision Making and Physicians Orders for Life Sustain Treatment (POLST) forms and Patient Advocacy. Julie will help us to understand what we need to do to protect ourselves and our loved ones from stealth euthanasia. Julie is also working with HLA to build a network of patient advocates. Maybe you are being called to be part of that network.

Mary Kellett, founder and president of Prenatal Partners for Life will discuss infant euthanasia and hospice. She will share her experience, knowledge and expertise in working with healthcare providers involved in caring for children with conditions that put them at risk of being euthanasized.

Cristen M. Krebs, DNP, ANP-BC, Catholic Hospice Founder / Executive Director, is a graduate of Robert Morris University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice Program with twenty years of end-of-life care experience. After several years in the field of hospice nursing, Dr. Krebs became disheartened with the trend of hospices becoming more business oriented than patient focused. Concerned that direct patient care was being compromised, in 1997, Dr. Krebs began the first faith-based, nonprofit hospice program serving Pittsburgh and surrounding counties. In May 2007, she incorporated Catholic Hospice, the only pro-life, non-profit hospice in Pittsburgh. Catholic Hospice embraces the Vatican’s Declaration on Euthanasia, encouraging all faiths to uphold the teachings of the church when caring for those experiencing terminal illness.
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