People with disabilities do not generally have the financial resources to have much impact as consumers. Many are just trying to survive without being concerned with high fashion. In fact, if any other segment of the population had the levels of poverty, under-employment, and unemployment as people with disabilities, it would be considered a national scandal!
And yet, I applaud people with disabilities as models. Why? It chips away at so many prejudices and barriers. It challenges cultural perceptions of perfection and beauty. Beauty simply is. It is not a human construct, it is a God construct. It can transcend human definitions—and even itself—through struggle, to become a more complete beauty. Perfection can and does exist within imperfection. What is seen with the eyes is the beginning of an internal change in people's hearts.
And when human hearts change, barriers to inclusion and acceptance can come down. That which challenges our senses or perceptions or prejudices are often the fertile ground where real internal human growth happens. (Granted, not everything that challenges is good, that is where discernment is needed.)

"The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness."[1]
He was referring to eyes that see well, and perceive well, and illuminate a person's whole being—or the opposite. It is possible to perceive darkness as light or light as darkness. Bad eyes lead to bad perceptions.

Moral good is that which allows people to rise to their full potential that God intended when He created them.[2] I would even go further and say that 'good' includes encouragement and nurture of individuals to find purpose and meaning in their lives, within a prayerful and proper Biblical context.
Part of human nurture and encouragement involves helping to clear away barriers to people reaching their
fullest potential and discover the purpose and meaning of their lives. A redefinition of beauty — both physical and in art — clears barriers that bind and restrict human development. Then there is the worst tragedy of all. Barriers to beauty kill dreams.
[1] Luke 11.34 & Matthew 6.22.
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